Our Clients

We Treat People Of All Ages

Some of our clients are children or adults who have recently been diagnosed with ADHD, while others have been wanting extra support for years but have never spoken to a professional until now.

What’s Been Better Since We Last Met…

Many of our clients are ready and willing to receive support. This type of client is someone who is a customer for change and works with the therapist to identify not only the problems but the solution. A customer client has identified many of the challenges and wants to make things better. Some clients have not identified a specific problem and just feel that certain things in their life are just not working as well as they can be. Our office is a confidential, emotionally safe and supportive place to discuss any feelings and ambivalence you may experience.

Other clients come to ADHD New England because someone in their life - their child or partner - is struggling and they would like support in navigating those relationships. Regardless of what type of client you are, our role is to see a person as more than their problem, to look for existing strengths rather than deficits, and to help clients identify goals or what a better future looks like. This is why we often start our sessions by asking “What’s been better since we last met”.


We Acknowledge And Appreciate That Everyone Has A Different Path
In Treatment


What To Expect



The Intake Process

The first step is to have an initial consultation with one of our experts. During this introductory intake, we will gather history, identify symptoms that affect the way you live, illuminate your strengths, and begin the formulation of a treatment plan. We consider the clients to be experts in their own way and will involve you in creating a practical, realistic and time-effective plan, which can then be used to increase your chance of achieving your goals within a reasonable amount of time, thereby contributing to your greater happiness, wellness and success.

 We See You. We Hear You. We “Get” You.


